Intimate plastic surgery for men.

man with enlarged penis

What is penis enlargement? For many men, the penis is not only a physiological organ, but also an organ that can change the character and personality of a man.

Therefore, men who feel that their penis is too small may suffer greatly from this and therefore resort to penis enlargement.

In addition to all kinds of exercises, which rarely give the desired results, a faster and more effective method is penis enlargement through plastic surgery. The objective of this operation is, above all, to strengthen the patients' self-esteem.

Male enhancement surgery takes a certain amount of time and is performed under general anesthesia.

Naturally, the use of anesthesia and the surgery itself is a risk that not all men will agree to take.

Result of penis enlargement

This type of surgery is low risk if performed by an experienced surgeon who is both a specialist in standard surgery and a specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery.

"This surgery will not harm either the erection or the man's ability to conceive. "After the operation, a small, almost invisible scar remains and, as a general rule, within a maximum of one week the patient can return to his professional activities. However, during the first three weeks after penis enlargement surgery, strenuous physical activity should be avoided, especially in the case of penis enlargement surgery. To achieve the desired result, five weeks of sexual abstinence are also necessary. Thanks to this intervention, the man's external attractiveness increases in terms of such an important sexual characteristic, and it also helps to strengthen self-confidence.

Penis enlargement using modern gentle surgical methods

Size doesn't always matter

Not only size is decisive when a man chooses surgery. A satisfying intimate life and good health come first. If neither one nor the other exists, mental disorders may appear, an inferiority complex may arise, up to the appearance of impotence. Your own intimate sensations are decisive. A man's mood when he thinks about the size of his penis is similar to what a woman experiences when it comes to the size of her breasts. An essential basis for making a decision in each individual case is a detailed consultation.

Lengthening technique

Over the past 15 years, the results and techniques of penis enlargement surgery have continued to evolve and become simpler. As in most other surgical operations, today a gentle technique is used in this area: the operation is performed under local anesthesia, under light anesthesia or under mild anesthesia with a mask, depending on the degree of penis enlargement.

During surgery, the anterior retaining ligament between the shaft of the penis and the pubic bone is released, so the part of the shaft of the penis that was inside moves outward. The degree of elongation depends, on the one hand, on the initial length, on the other hand, on the individual properties of the penile tissue, as well as the degree of flexion of the penile shaft located inside. The increase in length is usually two to five centimeters.

Thickening technique

Penis thickening is done with hyaluronic acid or your own fat. This last method has been used for many years. In this case, your own fat is carefully inserted between the skin of the penis and its shaft with a thin, hollow needle. First of all, a sterile preparation of the fat is required, during which the fluid and fat cells are separated to obtain the most concentrated adipose tissue. Normally it is possible to achieve a volume increase of two to three centimeters. In this case, the aesthetic aspect of the final result is necessarily taken into account in the relationship between the length and thickness of the penis.

Penis enlargement cost

The costs associated with penis enlargement surgery can vary greatly. The basis for this is the method that will be chosen for the operation, and the price will vary depending on the method. Penis enlargement is a relatively inexpensive option because the treatment is performed under local anesthesia and a hospital stay is not necessary.